Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Oooof.  Thusfar, 2011 does not seem a good health year for the Birdie. 
Friday night I got violently ill--I think it was food poisoning--and did not get out of bed until yesterday.  Consequently, I've missed a lot of stuff around here--sorry about that!  But I haven't forgotten anyone (I don't think) *snort*

First off, I want to share this little gem:

technology lituraracy?  God help us all!

A day or so before I got ill, Bev from My Reader's Blog tagged me to participate in a meme. Once I answer these questions (below), I get to tag three other bloggers. Watch out. You may be "It" next....

 Questions, questions...
1) If you could go back in time and relive one moment, what would it be? Probably one of the afternoons my mom and my granny and I spent in granny's big kitchen.  These were always the most simple times, but the best, too.

2) If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? This is morbid, but I'm committing to being truthful, so here goes:  I've almost died twice.  I would go back and take one of those opportunities.

3) What movie/TV character do you most resemble in personality? Um, I dunno.  Maybe the nerdy kid in The Breakfast Club--you know, the one who gets stuck writing the essay at the end.

4) If you could push one person off a cliff and get away with it, who would it be? If I suspend my pacifist tendencies, um, well, maybe anyone who has committed murder.  Though I still wouldn't do it.  That would bind me to them.  *shiver*

5) Name one habit you would like to change in yourself. I'd like more confidence.  I may appear confident, but I deeply believe I can never do anything right.

6) Describe yourself in one word. Loud.

7) Describe the person who named you in this meme in one word. Giving.

8) Why do you blog? Answer in one sentence. To keep a record of what I read and because I've now made friends in the blogosphere.

Now that I've answered the questions I have to pick three bloggers to tag in return. Who will they be?
I tag anyone who is willing to participate...I'm a low-stress type :)


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