Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chill out Afspraaks!

The theme at The Gallery over at Sticky Fingers, is Chilled Out.
Uhhmmm Do I feel chilled out? Right now? At this moment? The answer would be no, no I don't.

 I've been back at work properly now, after having had time off for my illness, and the copious amounts of holidays we have had, which actually are really teasing. Its like, ha have a day off, now don't, here have another one.

And now? I have to work for 2 whole weeks with only the weekend in between! And work means Afspraaks!

Afspraak is the Dutch word for appointment  Fellow colleagues meeting up for lunch = afspraak. If you go to the doctor, you get an afspraak, if you go to the bank, an afspraak, if you get to eat with someone. an afspraak, meeting with a colleague= afspraak, even going to see family needs an afspraak .. whatever you do, you have to make an afspraak. Do not ever show up at someone's house without an afspraak! You cannot either pop round a friends or the neighbours really without an afspraak.

I think maybe I am too chilled out for this country and the afspraak culture is at the moment driving me slightly mad making me then not chilled out! Maybe I should create chill out afspraaks or take a leaf out of Funky Monkey's book and just chill!

 It has been a busy week, going to chill out with a beer and catch up on the Eurovision Semi finals.


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